Embracing DevSecOps: Shifting Security Left with Microsoft Solutions

Aug 02, 2022 1 min to read

DevSecOps is revolutionizing the way security is integrated into application development. By adopting a shift-left strategy, DevSecOps ensures that security best practices are embedded from the very beginning of the development lifecycle. This approach moves away from the traditional model of auditing security at the end of application projects to a more proactive and integrated stance during the development phase. Microsoft Defender for Cloud, alongside Azure capabilities and GitHub, facilitates this transformation by providing an end-to-end secure DevOps environment. These tools offer a harmonious blend of development agility and robust security, ensuring that applications are not only functional but also secure by design. By leveraging these Microsoft solutions, teams can efficiently implement DevSecOps practices, leading to safer, more reliable applications while maintaining the speed and innovation that modern development demands. Dive into the provided link to learn more about how you can transform your development process with these integrated Microsoft security solutions.